The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network.
Simplifying DNS mechanism one can say that DNS is an intelligent phonebook where network entities (computers, servers, printers etc) have a human readable name associated with their technical unique Internet address which is a sequence of numbers.
In the end, computers connect to each other on the network by their technical internet addresses called IPs: IP (v4) or IP (v6).
A DNS server has the capability to quickly serve the IP of the named computer/entity that is accessed from your PC/laptop/tablet/smartphone. Therefore it is necessary for the functioning of your Internet browser when using URLs (Uniformed Resource Locators) and also when you send emails, since you use email addresses (which are in human readable form). Hence DNS is vital for browsing on the Net.
Why should I change the DNS?
By default the IP address of the DNS server used by your connection is set most of the time automatically by your computer, which queries this data directly from your Internet provider.
Sometimes the connection is slow or you just want to protect your privacy, or your children from harmful websites like adult ones, or those that encourage violence, drugs and/or indecent behavior.
How to change my computer DNS?
ChrisPC DNS Switch provides you a simple but effective graphic user interface to select the network adapter/card and change its corresponding DNS with the selected DNS from the preset lists or with a custom DNS. Features are diverse and give you the possibility to maintain your DNS database.
DNS Switch will make your life easier: You may want to protect your anonymity in which case you can select a server from the Anonymous DNS preset group list. Or you may choose to use Secure DNS servers that filter out websites that are potential threats to your PC (avoiding viruses, malware, trojans etc).
Furthermore with your children browsing the internet you might choose to switch to a Family Safe DNS server to steer clear of harmful websites like adult ones, or those that encourage violence, drugs and/or indecent behavior. In the end it might be that you just want a faster DNS than the one your internet provider has, in which case you might use one of the Regular DNS preset group or one from your Custom DNS group.